性别 : 女
籍贯 : 河北
学历 :博士研究生
研究领域 :消费者行为,食品营销,需求偏好
邮箱地址 :2021060@njau.edu.cn
Yang Hu; Senarath Dharmasena; Oral Jr. Capps; Ramkumar Janakiraman ; The Growing Market for Energy and Sports Drinks in the United States: Can Chocolate Milk Remain A Contender?, Journal of Food Distribution Research, 2020, 51(2): 131-157
Yang Hu*; Lisa A. House; Brandon R. McFadden; Zhifeng Gao ; The influence of choice context on consumers' preference for GM orange juice, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2021, 72(2): 5 47-563
Hu, Y*., House, L. A., & Gao, Z. (2022). How do consumers respond to labels for crispr (gene-editing)? Food Policy, 112, 102366.
Hu, Y*., House, L. A., & Gao, Z. (2022). Does Preferred Information Format Affect Consumers’ Willingness to Pay: A Case Study of Orange Juice Produced by Biotechnology. Foods, 12(11), 2130.
Chen, B., Zhou, G., & Hu, Y*. (2023). Estimating consumers’ willingness to pay for plant-based meat and cultured meat in China. Food Quality and Preference, 111, 104962.